Well here we have another snow day off from school. The Goatfarmer's school bus will have to stay put today. Does give me a chance to catch up with some of my other tasks though. We are on the tail end of quite a storm. The rain gauge at the garden gate had over 2 1/2 inches of rain before it turned to ice. That on top of the snow melt was enough to put over 4 feet of water at the bottom of the pasture. Quite a sight!
Just yesterday, I was noting the daffodils starting to peek through the mulch around the blue spruce in the yard. I also saw some around the old apple tree and the snow drops are pushing up in the yard by the house. Definitely signs of spring. The flocks of red wings and grackles are now regular visitors to the bird feeders and can empty the sunflower seeds out in very short order.
But another sign of spring is the seed orders I placed last week for the pasture revitalization we are planning this spring, when the weather warms up a bit. The plan is to renovate the field on the south side of the farm with a mix of meadow fescue, rye grass, timothy, Kentucky bluegrass, clover, chicory, and sericea lespedeza. This is all being seeded into the pasture with a forage oat nurse crop. Should have the goats smacking their lips when they get into that salad bar.
This sounds fabulous! Another sure sign of spring is the round bellies I'm seeing in the barn. Just today, I thought one of the does had a kid by her side- but it turned out to be an oddly placed leg under a big, round belly. I'm eager for warm weather and some pasture-born kids!