Friday, February 21, 2014

The winter that doesn't want to quit.....

Here's the view we've been looking out at the past week or doubt pretty familiar to anyone living in the Northeast this year!  Yet, within the next two weeks, we'll begin to welcome a fresh crop of goat kids, which can only mean spring IS coming!  Kidding in March is always a bit questionable, since it seems to be a month that doesn't know if it belongs to winter or spring.  But kidding then also means that the youngsters will be heading out to pasture with the does at an age when they are just becoming able to utilize all that new spring pasture.  Regardless of the current weather, we are all looking forward anxiously to kidding season here at Sunny Acres.  Hopefully the next pictures posted will be of lots of new Kiko babies, rather than snowbanks!  Stay tuned!