Sunday, February 17, 2013

Almost kidding time!!

We're closing in on kidding season here at Sunny Acres....only about two weeks to go before the first of our does is due to kid.  We have 41 does that were exposed.  They were bred in three separate groups.....the largest group was with our purebred Kiko buck, PJM Survivor, five of our older does were with ECR Donkey Odie (the first Kiko buck we brought here a number of years ago), and the third group was a herd of ten doelings being bred for the first time, who ran with our newest Kiko buck brought in last summer from Tennessee.  We're anxious to see the results of these three groups, should prove interesting as we compare the kids' performance over the course of the next few months.

For now, the does have the luxury of lounging about and taking it easy while they wait.  They are all on a diet of high protein second-cutting hay, along with the occasional "Christmas" tree or cedar tree that we cut for them.  Believe it or not, these trees are very high in nutrition, and, as evidenced in the photos below, the goat love them!

Check back in a few time permits we'll post updates on how the season is going.

1 comment:

  1. Those trees look like good goat candy :) Good luck with your kidding season!
