The other day they were warning us of a significant winter storm with double digit snowfall! What great news! At least it is if you are contemplating some pasture improvements for this year. I intended to get some clover seed on some of the goat lots this year and this should be a perfect time to get that done, what with a 60 degree afternoon to get the work done and a snow storm to settle the seed and get it off to a great start. I did manage to rustle up a helper to accompany me on my trips back and forth across some of the lots. He does ask a lot of questions and certainly wanted to help. He even seeded a bit by himself, but let PopPop finish up while he went in for supper.
Well the seed was broadcast and the snow only amounted to less than an inch, but we are looking at a week of showers and springlike temperatures that should get the new seed up and growing. We will keep a close watch to see how well this low tech strategy works. From what I have heard it should do just fine. Oh, and the clover is just part of the mix. The blend was actually three kinds of clover, chicory and sericea lespedeza. Very nutritious, and a mix that is supposed to help us combat the parasites that lurk in the bellies of so many goats.
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